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1、story of Sanmao,2011,可是到了冬天可能你还在甜蜜的梦乡吧这时,为了迎接学校生态教室的评比,更为了同学们有一个整洁的学习环境,章老师带领我们一起给教室来了一次彻底的大扫除Today is sundayIt#39s time to do;当我们走在干净宽敞的大街上时,当你随手把垃圾扔在地上时,你是否想过这舒适优美环境的创造者呢这一切都是勤劳伟大的环卫工人辛勤劳动的结晶When we walk on a clean and spacious street, when you throw;你们是城市的美容师,是创建美好未来的使者,我们赞美你“清洁工”!我们赞美你!无论是严寒酷暑,你都坚持在自己的岗位上,穿梭在各条马路上城市的美离不开你们,城市的健康离不开你们,你是城市的美化家中的一员!2;Every early morning , when we are deep in our sleeping , dustmen have begin their daily work By their sweat and diligent work, streets are cleaned up and refreshed However, when people walking on the;我建议创建一个清洁工人节,理由有以下几点首先现在街道越来越多,保持清洁并非易事 其次清洁工起早贪黑,工作辛苦 而且城市人口增多,清洁工随之增多,所以专门为他们创建一个节日也是必要的只有我们城市越来越好了,我们;During this summer holiday, I got a job at a KFC fast food restaurant and worked there as a cleaner I worked 7 hours a day for three weeksThe job was very hard Every morning I got up very early。

2、our society provides us with more than before service rapid development But it cannot be excuse, we employ cleaner, and support this view, hiring cleaners means harmony shandong xinhua computer college And socie;He is a cleaner,quiet and ordinary looking People don#39t pay attention to the figures in the public when the cleaners at work He is one of them He has to get up very early in the morning to;As a colleage student, you should do the basic clean by yourself, such as tide up your rooms, clean your wash room, clean your kitchen because soon or later we will have to take care of ourselves。


3、health If they stop working,we will drown in the garbage Such ordinary workers keeps our world runing in order Though they can#39t make good money, but we really need them and we should respect them;你在2009年暑假到一家肯德基KFC快餐店做保洁员cleaner工作,你每天工作7个小时,为期3周,这项工作辛苦且枯燥,并使你感到非常的疲惫,这几乎使你半途放弃在新学期开始之前,你终于坚持完成了这项工作,并且认识到。


4、After finishing the dustman’s diary,it makes me think a lot采用正确的工作姿势清洁工人需要体力工作时,正确的工作姿势对预防工作极为重要工人培训时应教授和督促工人采用正确姿势进行工作,减少受伤和工作劳损的机会;As we know,sport plays an important role in our daily livesWhenever you do some exercise,you can get a whole new refresh feeling through your bodyIt really does good to youFor example,going out to。

5、但是他们找到了自己的位置,为社会做贡献就拿清洁工来说他们早早起来做清洁人们不敢做这份工作,因为脏,但是清洁工通过努力工作去装饰了这个城市清洁工虽然普通,但是他们却做着伟大的工作;Every year, there will be a great awarding ceremony about the people who touch the whole China People from all walks of life get nominated and the public give them full attention We are always surprised。

标签: 大学生雇佣清洁工英语作文


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