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均衡饮食保持健康的英语是Eat a balanced diet to keep healthy补充合理搭配食物想要饮食均衡最关键的就是合理搭配食物,因为食物的种类多,多去尝试,不要经常吃熟悉的食物,对饮食均衡也有帮助很多人在饮食这方面没。

abandon the junk food to keep ourselves healthy什么是健康饮食?对于大多数人来说,健康饮食就意味着多吃绿色食品,不要吃垃圾食品绿色食品就是那些无污染高品质和营养的食物,包括有机蔬菜和肉类水果鸡蛋等等健。


We should observe the regular work and rest schedule,diet separation rule and avoid staying up late。

Healthy eating habits, exercise keep, enough good sleep, reducing the pressure of life, is the main part of the people to keep healthy life满意采纳。

rabbit food Vegetables, especially those that are raw指蔬菜,尤指生的蔬菜eat on the run买了食物带回公司吃,目前成了欧美男士的习惯,尤指午餐。


You#39d better keep balanced diet,persistent exercises and abundant sleep作为对别人的劝慰,应用委婉的语气“you‘d better”,而keep已经涵盖每天坚持做的意思,而且更简单明了地道。

healthy eating is important for us in our daily lifefood can give us energy and help us build up our bodywhat and how should we eat to be healthier?first,we should have enough clean food each。

标签: 健康饮食和合理的作息英语翻译

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