eating more fruits and drinking more water is of great help 现在,人们越来越注重养生,人们在都追求健康的生活方式,其中健康饮食就是很重要的一个方面俗话说,民以食为天,吃得美味又健康是我们所追求 的目标我。
mood is good for mentally health We should renew our spirits and release our stress, so that we have a good attitude towards life To enjoy our beautiful life, we must be bound to keep healthy。
It is important that have a healthy lifestyle,for example,getting up early,eating vegetables and more fruit ,eating less meat,if you do it,you will find yourself become healthy,isn#39t thatFirst,get up。
我认为,为了养成健康的饮食习惯,我们应该多吃蔬菜,少摄入脂肪和糖分蔬菜是维生素的最佳来源,其中以维生素A和维生素C最为重要 过多的脂肪和糖分会导致肥胖,这有害于健康此外,还应多吃水果多喝水,这都对健康有很大帮助 7Heal。
we should not only have enough healthy food,but also have a regular diet众所周知,健康的饮食对每个人都是非常重要的为了有一个均衡的饮食,我们必须做以下的事第一我们需要吃足够的食物,并且食物要更健康。
habits are 并且我几乎从不吃垃圾食品 因为那对我不利 我的饮食习惯很健康healthySo i#39m healthy因此我是健康的累死了,全是我自己写的,希望下次悬赏把价格提高点,望采纳。
恰当的饮食对疾病会起到治疗的作用,帮助人体恢复健康下面给大家带来一些关于饮食的 英语 作文 带翻译,希望对大家有所帮助饮食的英语作文1 We know that some of our students do not like eating lunch at s。
abandon the junk food to keep ourselves healthy什么是健康饮食?对于大多数人来说,健康饮食就意味着多吃绿色食品,不要吃垃圾食品绿色食品就是那些无污染高品质和营养的食物,包括有机蔬菜和肉类水果鸡蛋等等健。
healthy food英语作文篇一 Healthy eating is important for us in our daily lifeFood can give us energy and hg elp us build up our body How should we eat to be healthier?First we should have enough clea。