
taozi 122 0

1、1多吃水果蔬菜保持饮食平衡避免含糖高脂肪高的食物 2多锻炼健身强体3鄙弃不良习惯你的看法?How to stay our health fit?范文1Dear boys and girls I’m talking about Here is my advice about how。


2、It#39s very important for us to keep in good healthA strong body will full of energy to do all the works and we won#39t get ill so easyHowever,We need have a healthy lifestyle and eat a balanced。

3、Japanese cuisine, Korean food and so on We all know that health is to do anything for money, health is closely connected with the food Today, we take a look at the food on the table now Food is。

4、How to keep healthy What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is healthYou can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive But if our health was taken。

5、what needs to be done every day, to be sure to arrange every day when, perhaps you can have a healthy life, believe in yourself, slowly can change the original life of disorder And more healthy。

6、健康生活的 The definition of “Healthy Life Style” include a positive living attitude towards life, eating a balanced diet, exercises regularly, which is three to five times a week with at least thirty to。



8、we must be bound to keep healthy 如果想保持健康,均衡的饮食很重要你最好吃足够的蔬菜,因为它包含丰富的维生素适量的肉类也是需要的避免油炸和烤制食品 有规律地做一些运动也很重要,比如说跑步或者打打羽毛球。

9、I think good health is important for peopleGood health can help us study and work So l want to keep healthyThere are some advice about keeping healthyFirst, I should get up early and I can not。

10、Dear mrmiss xxThis is xxWe have the lesson about healthy living and you required us to write a little thesis in itSo In my view, life is a kind of routine and healthy life is a healthy。

11、Healthy Eating My name is Pauline I am 12 years old I want to be a teacher or a doctor when I grow up To be a doctor, I must be healthy It is important for a doctor to be healthyBefore。


13、规律作息,早睡早起的英语说法是regular schedule, go to bed early and get up early一读音 英 #712reɡj#601l#601r #712#643edju#720l ɡ#601#650 tu bed #712#604#。

14、到1410我得去学英语学校Until 800 to go home直到还剩8点了家At 810 I eat dinner在810我吃饭晚餐Then,I take one huors to read an English essay然后,我拿一本书读英语随笔At last,I go。

15、这些谚语传授的经验道出了“生命在于运动”“动则不衰,用则不退”的真理,它告诉人们,勤劳动客运动,是健康长寿之道 “旱天未到先修塘疾病未来先预防”“机器不擦要生锈,卫生不讲要短寿”“常洗衣服常洗澡,常晒被褥。



标签: 作息规律健康饮食文案英文怎么写的


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