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健康饮食对于我们每个人来说都十分重要,想要一个健康的身体就要养成健康的饮食习惯那么你知道健康饮食用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧健康饮食的英语说法1A healthy diet 健康饮食的英语说法2eat healthy 健康饮食的;We agree,a balanced diet is very important for maintaining health;Keeping a healthy life mode is easy, the important things is the balance of diet。


It#39s important to eat healthy food 英语英语English是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落;A healthy diet can provide the necessary energy for us, so to keep us fit But it is not very easy to make your diet always healthy In my view, people need to spend time on thinking about how to;Having a healthy way of life is very simple, but there is a balanced diet is very important;healthy eating is important for us in our daily lifefood can give us energy and help us build up our bodywhat and how should we eat to be healthier?first,we should have enough clean food each。

It is very important for us to have a healthy lifestyle I think that a healthy lifestyle is very important, which is as important as physical exerciseDoing exercise can make us strong;#160#160 健康的饮食习惯对我们的健康很重要我们应该建立健康的饮食习惯我们应该每天吃新鲜的蔬菜和水果,它们能给我们提供丰富的必要维生素我们每天还应该少吃肉,最好每天早晚喝一杯水此外,我们应该注意饮食平;那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是我帮大家整理的健康饮食的英语作文及翻译选篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢 1A healthy diet A healthy diet can provide the necessary energy for us, so to keep us fit。


Being healthy has been more and more popular in nowadaysEveryone has their own ways to keep healthyi would like to share my own ways to you how to keep healthy in dietFirst,take excercise everyday and;“保持健康容易,饮食均衡很重要”Maintains the health is easy, the diet balanced is very important当你疲倦时,你应该休息 When you are weary, you should rest;二翻译我总是很注意自己吃的食物,因为我的胃有点弱,所以我不能一直吃垃圾食品健康的食品让我保持苗条,因此我吃这些食品蔬菜是很重要的,我们应该每顿都吃水果包含了很多维他命,是必需的鱼是最适合我吃的。

A healthy diet is important to us对我们来说,饮食健康是很重要的For us, a healthy diet is very important短语对是很重要的It is important to;In order to keep healthy,you should eat more vegetables every dayKeep a balanced diet is very important;首先分析一下这个句子“健康饮食对我们的身体有好处”,就是一个简单的句子主语+谓语+宾语其次就是短语翻译以及把握句子整体结构来选择句型“健康饮食”翻译就是“eating healthy food”或者“Keeping a healthy diet”都。

标签: 健康的饮食作息真的很重要吗英语怎么说

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