1、Keep a healthy diet, and do more exercise。
2、均衡饮食保持健康的英语是Eat a balanced diet to keep healthy补充合理搭配食物想要饮食均衡最关键的就是合理搭配食物,因为食物的种类多,多去尝试,不要经常吃熟悉的食物,对饮食均衡也有帮助很多人在饮食这方面没。
3、Healthy eating habits, exercise keep, enough good sleep, reducing the pressure of life, is the main part of the people to keep healthy life满意采纳。
4、To keep health,you need to have a healthy diet,such as eating more fruitsvegetables and drinking much milk 牛奶不可数,用much 不懂可追问,望采纳,谢谢~。
5、每天吃健康的食物用英语这样表达Eat healthy food every day一健康食物的范文原文 I always care so much about the food I eat,because my stomach is a little week,so I can’t eat the junk food all the。
6、句子翻译成英语,My parents have a healthy eating habit。
7、饮食要健康,多吃水果蔬菜,少吃垃圾食品Eat a healthy diet with more fruits and vegetables and less junk food汉语句子翻译成英语的方法技巧1 逆序法 英语有些长句的表达次序与汉语表达习惯不同,甚至完全相反。
8、下面这些永恒的饮食箴言都有同样的主题用心饮食,有利于身心健康把下面这些话抄下来贴在冰箱上,但愿你每天都受到启发1 One cannot think well, love well,sleep well, if one has not dined wellVirginia Woolf。
9、10Wanna be healthy?Do please treat youself a nice breakfast要想身体好,早餐要吃饱关于健康饮食的英语谚语热门篇1Nofrolicing dering the meal,no running after the meal吃饭不要闹,吃饱不要跑2A。
10、If you want to stay healthy,you must have a balanced diet every day。
11、As we know, it is important for us to keep healthy and have a healthy life How to keep fit? First, we should healthy food, such as apples, vegetables and so on We mustn#39t eat junk food, which。
12、Only when we have a healthy diet,can we have stronger bodies and better futures这个因为是only开头,所以后半句应该是倒装语序can we。
14、多吃健康的食物英文Eat more healthy food多吃哪些食物能让身体健康1全麦面包能消除坏情绪 当情绪波动过大时可选择甜食,含有的碳水化合物能够刺激大脑分泌出5羟色胺,缓解精神压力,帮助消除不良情绪但是简单的。
15、How can we keep a happy mind?First,heathy diets regular exercise are necessaryIt is important to have healthy diets everyday by taking exercise we can forget the worriesSecond,healthy hobbies。
标签: 要有健康的饮食作息的英文怎么说