
taozi 121 0

1、hello,I #39m Jack,I look after my health well because i have a healthy lifestyle,i exercise every day, usually when i get up in the morning ,my eating habits are pretty good,i try to eat lots of;多锻炼多吃水果和蔬菜多吃鱼肉 少吃盐少吃脂肪少吃糖 吃多身体有益的食物 进食色谱 红黄绿白黑 在现代日益紧张的生活中,怎么样才是健康的生活方式呢?参照国外经验,结合我国特色,健康四大基石可归纳如下合理膳食两句话即一;适合健康饮食规律作息发朋友圈文案篇一 1健康人生,从“齿”开始 2第一财富是健康,第二财富是美丽,第三财富是财产 3身体在健康在很大程度上取决于精 5身体的健康在很大程度上取决于精神的健康 6躯体的疾病也许证明灵;篇1 1What kind of food do you prefer? 2Do you like Chinese food?3What kind of food do you like,Chinese or American?4Would you tell me where the Chinese restaurant is ?5Do you know where I;篇一保持健康的英语口语对话 Trainer You look great! 你看起来真棒! Shirley Thanks to you I#39m totally pumped up 多亏了你我感觉很精神 Trainer So you are happy that you made the decision to join us。


2、苹果含有丰富的糖类有机酸纤维素维生素矿物质多酚及黄酮类营养物质,被科学家称为“全方位的健康水果”那么,苹果有哪些保健作用呢降低血脂日本果树研究所的人体试验表明,每天吃两个苹果,3周后受试者血液;1People who don’t eat meat can stay healthy True As long as people eat enough milk , eggs and meat alternates替代品 ,they can get enough protein 2Food eaten between meals can be just as;3健康巧克力牛奶 如果想吃甜品,别买加工食品,还是买纯净可可粉和杏仁粉,自己做甜品吧这样做的巧克力牛奶的糖度和热量很低,而且含有很多的蛋白质虽然它是甜品,但不用担心发胖,失去运动的效果这种巧克力牛奶就是;Keren At the moment, I don#39t belong to a gym but I go jogging Usually I go jogging four times a week, and I always go in the morning because for me it#39s the best time to exercise because it;Ahi B it is a long time to see you aByes ,it is a long time oh by the way this is my find CC nice to meet you, my name is B nice to meet you tooand where are you going。

3、11饮食健康促进健康生活,健康人生12健康久久,幸福久久,未来长长久久13开展爱国卫生运动,提高全民健康素质 14搞好家庭环境卫生,倡导健康生活方式 15行动起来 讲究卫生 摒弃陋习 人人健康 16开展爱国卫生运动;健康饮食的英语对话1 AHealth is very important for our bodyAnd healthy foods plays a very important role in itSo,what do you think is a healthy diet?健康对于我们的身体是十分重要的而且健康的食物在;有关研究表明,多多锻炼身体使心脏跳动更快,使肺部功能更强,就可大大加强心脏功能,减少心力衰竭的可能性,同时有助于降低血压因此,越来越多的人们正积极参加各种运动和各种锻炼每天早晨,许多人清早起床锻炼身体有的打太极拳;B Like cabbage and beans, you know i hate to eat meat, it increase my weight A No wonder i am gaining 10 pounds weight this month, KCF fried chicken are my favorite food always B You should try;如何保持健康 世界上最重要的东西是什么我认为这是健康的你可以拿走我们的钱,房子,汽车,甚至我们的衣服,我们可以生存但是如果我们的健康没有了,我们肯定会死这就是为什么我们总是试图在一个健康的饮食和经常运动。

4、1Which subject do you like best?I like English you like math or geography?I like #39d like a bottle of juiceWhat about you?I#39d like some eggs, Mike like;B I am fine, thanksA Do you know how to keep healthy?B I think it is a good way to play sports So we should do exercise every dayA Yes Also,we had better sleep for eight or nine;A根据调查,苹果香蕉橘子这三种水果对人的健康有重要的补助作用,每天都要吃一些AAccording to surveys, apple,banana and tengerine have important subsidy effect to people#39s health, you need to eat。


标签: 关于健康饮食作息运动的对话


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