
taozi 149 0

1、迈克嗯,早起,每天早上去跑步或是去健身,饮食要均衡,像你刚开始说的垃圾食品,就不要吃太多,通常这都是我不吃的食物,同时做事不要做得太过,工作中不要有太多的压力,尽量不要参加太多派对 Adrienne Do you have any fast food。

2、健康饮食的英语对话1 AHealth is very important for our bodyAnd healthy foods plays a very important role in itSo,what do you think is a healthy diet?健康对于我们的身体是十分重要的而且健康的食物在。

3、Keren At the moment, I don#39t belong to a gym but I go jogging Usually I go jogging four times a week, and I always go in the morning because for me it#39s the best time to exercise because it。

4、篇一保持健康的英语口语对话 Trainer You look great! 你看起来真棒! Shirley Thanks to you I#39m totally pumped up 多亏了你我感觉很精神 Trainer So you are happy that you made the decision to join us。


5、海伦英语之我的生活英语口语关于我的健康情景对话1 Do you feel well?你觉得自己健康吗Are you fit and healthy?体形标准吗Not really不怎么标准I think I am too fat我觉得我太胖了I need to lose。

6、C nice to meet you, my name is B nice to meet you tooand where are you going?A we are going to listen the report that the sport is good for healthA really? may i go with?C of。

7、A根据调查,苹果香蕉橘子这三种水果对人的健康有重要的补助作用,每天都要吃一些AAccording to surveys, apple,banana and tengerine have important subsidy effect to people#39s health, you need to eat。

8、#x2003#x200348吃饭细嚼慢咽,减少肠胃伤害,避免过量饮食,体重保持平衡,注重饮食质量,少食油炸膨化,享受营养美味,健康快乐第一 #x2003#x200349冷冷寒冬问候至,健康温馨小贴士,多食粥类增营养,瓜果蔬菜记心上,天冷莫忘添衣裳,多多锻炼益健康。

9、hello,I #39m Jack,I look after my health well because i have a healthy lifestyle,i exercise every day, usually when i get up in the morning ,my eating habits are pretty good,i try to eat lots of。

10、A you look so good today B Yes,i just eat some green vegetable these day and I quite coffeeA really, what did you eat B Like cabbage and beans, you know i hate to eat meat, it increase my。

11、A Hello, MaryHow are you?B I am fine, thanksA Do you know how to keep healthy?B I think it is a good way to play sports So we should do exercise every dayA Yes Also,we had。

12、适合健康饮食规律作息发朋友圈文案篇一 1健康人生,从“齿”开始 2第一财富是健康,第二财富是美丽,第三财富是财产 3身体在健康在很大程度上取决于精 5身体的健康在很大程度上取决于精神的健康 6躯体的疾病也许证明灵。



14、11饮食健康促进健康生活,健康人生12健康久久,幸福久久,未来长长久久13开展爱国卫生运动,提高全民健康素质 14搞好家庭环境卫生,倡导健康生活方式 15行动起来 讲究卫生 摒弃陋习 人人健康 16开展爱国卫生运动。

15、多锻炼多吃水果和蔬菜多吃鱼肉 少吃盐少吃脂肪少吃糖 吃多身体有益的食物 进食色谱 红黄绿白黑 在现代日益紧张的生活中,怎么样才是健康的生活方式呢?参照国外经验,结合我国特色,健康四大基石可归纳如下合理膳食两句话即一。

标签: 关于健康饮食作息运动的对话


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