no animal doctor herbquot “药补不如食补quot译 Diet cures more than the doctor quot,quot “气大伤神,食多伤身 ”译quotGas, many injured body grapplequot3 英语作文健康和饮食DirectionsForthispart;争议关于饮食改变和健康护理的英语作文作者admin 来源互联网 时间20110605 改变饮食及健康护理 正如图中所示,中国的粮食分配已从1960年的巨大变化的到1990年的根据谷物,蔬菜,肉类,水果,此数字,这些谁吃大米,面粉。
以下是我关于怎样保持健康的建议首先,建立正常的作息,饮食规律你应该早睡早起,确保你能够有良好的睡眠注意你的 饮食,不要吃太多肉和糖,多吃蔬菜其次,对生活抱有好心境一个好的心情也会给你带来一个健康的;规律作息,早睡早起的英语说法是regular schedule, go to bed early and get up early一读音 英 #712reɡj#601l#601r #712#643edju#720l ɡ#601#650 tu bed #712#604#。
Healthy eating habits, exercise keep, enough good sleep, reducing the pressure of life, is the main part of the people to keep healthy life满意采纳;运动饮食和健康的英语作文Health is more important than wealth Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our careerToday, more and more people are in poor health If we。
Miss Lee 亲爱的 Jean 听说你最近时常觉得头痛疲劳我觉得,你每天只吃少量的蔬菜和水果是不对的首先,保持苗条有很多种方法,不一定要节食另外你要合理的吃饭,把饭菜搭配的简单合理有营养就可以了不管你漂不漂亮。
Nowadays, more and more people are in poor health If we want to keep healthy we should go on a healthy dietFirst, we should have a balanced dietThough we may not like eating vegetables, the。
饮食健康英语 范文 篇一 Healthy Diet Nowadays, there is a growing focus on health care People are pursuing a healthy lifestyle A healthy diet is one of the most important parts of it As the saying。
下面是一片百度上的帖子的内容良好的饮食习惯和健康 俗话说,民以食为天,良好的饮食习惯对我们的健康非常重要早餐我们可以选择一些面包,牛奶,或鸡蛋不宜吃油量过大的食物午餐我们吃米饭和面食都可以,关键要吃点肉。
Top Meal of the DayNowadays it’s common for highschool students to skip breakfast, leading to both poor school performance and damage to their health When asked why they skip breakfast, some students say。
Dear mrmiss xxThis is xxWe have the lesson about healthy living and you required us to write a little thesis in itSo In my view, life is a kind of routine and healthy life is a healthy。
if you want to have a longer and healthier life then eating healthy is very crucial不知道你什么年级但这篇文的英文不算容易,要是不符合年级里的英文水平就会穿帮,所以如果看不懂请追问希望能帮到你。
标签: 健康的作息和饮食规律英语